Human dignity is inviolable

The principles of the Code of Conduct apply to DOTEX Wirkwaren GmbH's global business activities and are supplemented by international and national conventions, guidelines, legislation, and local regulations. The diversity and equal opportunities of its employees are a great advantage and an important success factor for the company.



Employment is voluntary and takes place in a fair, equitable, and respectful environment. Performance and commitment are encouraged. The company rejects child labor, discrimination, forced labor, harassment, and generally any hostile, intimidating, or demeaning work atmosphere.

Health Protection


For years, health-promoting measures have been supported. For example, the annual Health Day is organized in collaboration with Barmer GEK, our company doctor is consulted regularly, our work clothing is supplemented with individual protective equipment (hearing protection), and much more.

ISO 9001:2015


The processes are oriented towards the goal of delivering individual products to the customer in the required quality, quantity, and at the specified time, meeting the set requirements. Pursuing this strategy from an economic perspective is a prerequisite for maintaining long-term good customer relationships.

Addiction and Youth Services Association


As a family-owned business, DOTEX Wirkwaren GmbH is committed to long-term contributions to society beyond its core business. Therefore, support is gladly extended to individuals and organizations in need of assistance, with particular attention given to youth.



Cultural events are supported throughout Germany, such as the Kaleidoscope Südpark des MIO E.V. or student sponsoships. DOTEX Wirkwaren GmbH also upholds its social responsibility in the region. For example, employees regularly celebrate with the Music Association Aufen. Particularly gratifying is the support from s‘Lädele with their fabrics.

Complaints Procedure


DOTEX Wirkwaren GmbH ensures that the accessibility, responsibility, and execution of a complaints procedure are provided in an appropriate manner. The complaints procedure is available to employees while maintaining the confidentiality of their identity and providing effective protection against retaliation. Complaints can be submitted via phone, email, mail, or through an anonymous submission in the "suggestion box" on site. Reporting a complaint is encouraged as it initiates improvements!